

Hello my friends! My name is JAKOB LAMPRECHT and obviously you found my blog =D  So this website is for those who are interested about what is going on in my next 1,5 years. Up to now my life was kind of normal: growing up in a small town in Austria, going to school, doing some summer jobs to earn some money, safe that money and use it for traveling. Then I finished school, joined the army for one year (6 mo. compulsory) and started to study architecture. Now 24 years passed and I had to make a decisions: either start working which would have meant entering the „serious“ life, OR take the chance of being young and unattached to do something completely different. I decided to do the latter.
When I started to become serious about taking the chance, I bumped into a social project which is organized by local people from Lienz, my home town. The project is about building a small small hospital in South Sudan which sounded perfect to me. So I made my decision: I want to go to AFRICA. Soon everything was arranged and even the flight was booked. The plan was to join the project for 2-3 months and then continue with the bicycle towards South Africa. Unfortunately the project got recently stopped because of a violent conflict which forced me to change my plans.
I don’t want to wait, so I simply start cycling, I simply start the trip of my life. Or should I rather say: the trip which is going to change my life! I don’t know, I don’t know where I’ll be going in this 1,5 years, which places I will see! I don’t know what is going to happen! But therefor I made this blog! To share some upcoming adventures with you!

So I hope to meet you safe again, either at home or on the way. Feel free to join and send me some luck!

Yours Jakob