And the wall

Next came the wall. Once again I was fascinated by the system Mongolians developed throughout many many decades and created a wall that can be put up in seconds, is light, strong and beautiful. And now with the frame of the door it was rather easy to put everything in place. By the way, the frame really reminded me on National Geographic =)

„Is it going to be a temple?“

When our neighbor looked across the fence, the old lady asked if it is going to be a temple. I said no, but now I think she might be right. For me its kind of a temple.
On Friday we started with the floor. The foundation was done properly, everything was in level which made it quite easily to put the elements in place. I am again and again impressed how big it looks when the whole circle is lying in front of you, 6m in diameter, almost 30m². On paper it seemed so small, and in real it looks so big. Like a temple.